Slot Drain vs. Trench Drain: A Comparison of Landscape Drains
The importance of drainage has been known for hundreds of years, and trench drains have long been the go-to drainage solution for a wide range of situations, including landscaping design. A trench drain can solve drainage needs, but it is not the only option on the market, and it’s far from the best. The Slot Drain Series 7000 system is a better solution because it is an improved version of the traditional trench drain.
There are many differences to consider when comparing slot drain and trench drain systems.
1. Slot Drain's Sleek Design
Landscape design is primarily focused on appearance and aesthetics. Every detail requires consideration to ensure a cohesive and beautiful design, which needs to include the proper drainage system. Unlike traditional drains which require an unsightly grate cover, Slot Drain systems have a narrow channel that does not require any cover, allowing the drain to blend seamlessly into any design and become virtually invisible.
2. More Cost-Effective

In comparing trench drains to slot drains for landscaping, there is no ignoring the cost. Between the design and upkeep, landscaping is expensive. Drainage systems will certainly add to those expenses. Especially as it concerns landscaping with all of the dirt and soil and other foliage detritus that can fall and pile up on the ground, adequate drainage is necessary to keep the mini environment running well. If there are clogs in the drainage system, this could require major work to the area by a landscaping team.
The pre-sloped and pre-assembled design of the slot drain makes it cheaper to install, and the grate-free design reduces the maintenance requirements, making for an overall more cost-effective option.
3. Easier Installation
Installing a trench drain is an involved process that is expensive and difficult. A Slot Drain is much easier to install since it comes pre-sloped and pre-assembled. Less ground needs to be dug out for a slot drain system. Retrofitting is also easy with slot drain, which creates less damage to the surrounding area to install. Unlike a trench drain, it only takes workers a few hours to install a slot drain system.
4. Easier to Maintain
In comparing a trench drain to a slot drain, you shouldn’t overlook the level of maintenance for each system. Trench drains require a more involved process: removing the grate–which can result in injury if workers aren't careful–cleaning the drain channel, cleaning the grate, and putting the grate back in place. The process can take many hours, whereas workers can clean a Slot Drain grate-free system in a fraction of the time with the help of a Flush Flo system.
5. No Worrying About Grate Covers

Grate covers prevent large objects from falling into the drain, and also provide a safer walking surface for pedestrians. They are necessary for a trench drain to function, but they are flawed. Grates are fragile and can deteriorate over time, with constant traffic and exposure to the elements, which can create an unsightly and even unsafe environment.
Instead of spending money replacing grates, invest in a Slot Drain system that eliminates the need altogether. Cleaning the system is even easier without worrying about large objects falling in and smaller objects needing to be retrieved from the catch basin.
6. High Flow Rates
Landscaping gets exposed to all forms of water, so proper drainage is necessary to prevent flooding and soil erosion. Slot Drain's design features an opening that ranges from .5-inch to 1.25-inches wide, with flow rates ranging between 11 to 27 GPM per foot of drain. The better the flow rates, the better it will work to prevent damage to the landscape design.
7. Safe Design

Gardens, plazas, and similar public areas all also incorporate landscape design. The overall look is up to the designers and managers in charge, but they must also meet specific safety requirements. To choose the right drainage system, it’s important to compare the traditional trench drain with the slot drain. The grates on a trench drain can create tripping hazards, and their strength can often be a significant cause for concern. Slot Drain eliminates grates, and the overall design allows it to blend seamlessly with the hardscape, eliminating any tripping hazard. The Slot Drain's .5-inch slot opening model is also ADA compliant, making it ideal for public spaces.
A Clear Choice for Landscaping Design
It’s critical for landscape design to include proper drainage. A drainage system is vital to protecting the area and any surrounding structures. Trench drains were once the go-to option, but are no longer the best option on the market. Now, there is the Slot Drain, a more effective drainage system in a sleeker, less obtrusive package. There are many things to consider in the debate of slot drain vs. trench drain systems, but all signs point to Slot Drain for an efficient, easy-to-use, reliable system for any landscape design.
Contact us today at LandscapeDrains to understand how a slot drain system can fit into your landscaping plans.